My last post outlined some great things I have embraced since I moved to North Carolina from Long Island, NY more than 6 1/2 years ago. There are still a number of things that I miss terribly. Of course my family and friends top the list of what I would like to magically appear here. But the following list contains ten more things I long for daily (in no particular order). DISCLAIMER: I know that some of my southern friends think that I am "putting down" the south when I say something is better up north. I'm not. There are things that are better here and other things are better there. |
7-Eleven Coffee & Buttered Roll |
My first breakfast that I eat when I visit Long Island is this tasty treat. You can all keep your Starbucks and scones. There is no coffee like a LI 7-Eleven coffee. This is not Kangaroo coffee that was brewed 12 hours ago. There is someone there tending to it and the fantastic prep bar with anything you could ever want for your coffee. Pair that with a fantastic poppy roll with butter in the wax bag. Nirvana. Yes, the ad is correct... Thank Heaven for 7-Eleven!
Sports Radio You Can Listen To |
Being a freaky sports fan, I can listen to sports radio for hours on end. I love the different opinions and predictions. I love to learn all the human interest stories about players and coaches. My commute in NY was often easily 2 hours. I would listen every second in the car. I don't care if it was WFAN 660 or ESPN 1050 radio, I was entertained, even if I completely disagreed with the talking head. Some hosts were mainly impartial Some were completely biased. Either way, the host owned their perspective.
- Most of the hosts here are biased and refuse to admit it. Many days while listening, I can only come to one conclusion which is that they are not worldly or informed. They present opinions as facts and mock anyone who disagrees. It is an embarrassment to the profession.
Salt Water |
Mass Transit |
Major League Baseball I've already put it in writing that the college sports scene is fabulous in the triangle. I love it. However, I find that "America's Game" is forgotten here. It is a bit strange considering I would say that if I forced to describe who lives in the triangle, I would say "your typical Americans." Many transplants come here with love and passion for their team, but most seem to not have any passion for a team or even the sport. The Durham Bulls and the Carolina Mudcats provide a nice day or night out (at a reasonable price) but somehow that has not translated to a love of the game. |
Again, this is not a sweeping statement and/or insult to everyone in the South.
I absolutely appreciate the manners and the attempt to not hurt any one's feelings that I observe regularly. It is nice and polite. But I do miss people just keeping it real. Just because you are upfront does not mean you are mean or rude. If you want to know if you look good in an outfit, ask me. I will tell you the truth even if it may temporarily hurt your feelings. I feel that is a whole lot nicer than letting you look like a fool and then talking about it behind your back.
Ability to handle Winter Transportation
This is not a shot at people not being able to drive on snow. Hell, if you never did it, why would you know. This is not a shot at the DOT not being stocked with resources because honestly for the small amount of times we have bad weather, they should not be investing in more equipment. However, this is meant to call how how crazy it is that the powers that be try to come up with new ways to treat roadways, as opposed to using what works in all the other states around the country. This is also another chance for me to giggle like a school girl at the panic that spreads at the mention of snow, often school being cancelled before one flake falls.
This is not a shot at people not being able to drive on snow. Hell, if you never did it, why would you know. This is not a shot at the DOT not being stocked with resources because honestly for the small amount of times we have bad weather, they should not be investing in more equipment. However, this is meant to call how how crazy it is that the powers that be try to come up with new ways to treat roadways, as opposed to using what works in all the other states around the country. This is also another chance for me to giggle like a school girl at the panic that spreads at the mention of snow, often school being cancelled before one flake falls.
Parking Lots
This may be the thing that is craziest to me. What is wrong with straight parking lot lanes? Why must the parking lots here turn and curve every which way? It is so confusing that it MUST cause more accidents than help anything. Again, I feel this is like snow removal. Why not just do what works everywhere else.

This may be the thing that is craziest to me. What is wrong with straight parking lot lanes? Why must the parking lots here turn and curve every which way? It is so confusing that it MUST cause more accidents than help anything. Again, I feel this is like snow removal. Why not just do what works everywhere else.
Delis / Italian & Jewish Foods
Although I have finally found a good New York Style Deli, I can't understand with all these northerners down here why we don't have more establishments that carry "northern" food. Deli cases with salads, meatballs, chicken cutlets, perogies, and knishes. Delis that make a Reuben correctly on rye or offer a menu of aptly named sandwiches. Ahhhh....
Although I have finally found a good New York Style Deli, I can't understand with all these northerners down here why we don't have more establishments that carry "northern" food. Deli cases with salads, meatballs, chicken cutlets, perogies, and knishes. Delis that make a Reuben correctly on rye or offer a menu of aptly named sandwiches. Ahhhh....
Street Grids
There is something to be said about curving country roads. I love them.
On the contrary, in a city environment and with major highways, it would assist everyone if the streets ran in ways that are easier to navigate. Highways should run north/south or east/west. The should not run in multiple directions. Two streets should intersect once, not twice. Yes, it frustrates me that I can't learn, but I would bet many accidents have been caused by a confused driver.
There is something to be said about curving country roads. I love them.
On the contrary, in a city environment and with major highways, it would assist everyone if the streets ran in ways that are easier to navigate. Highways should run north/south or east/west. The should not run in multiple directions. Two streets should intersect once, not twice. Yes, it frustrates me that I can't learn, but I would bet many accidents have been caused by a confused driver.