Warning: this post may be a bit self indulgent. :-)
It is no secret that everybody is busy in today's society. Of course busy is a relative term. There are things that we MUST do, including working, mowing the lawn, cleaning the home, paying bills, bodily functions, bathing, etc. Next there are events that we choose to do that are so important to us that they become "must dos" such as going to a little league game, meeting a friend for dinner, volunteer work, etc. The 3rd category I have is the things that I really try to make time to because I want or need to do them such as get a pedicure, take a nap, bring the dog for a longer walk than usual and so on. The last bucket I have are the things that if I have time to do, I will. These type of tasks include things like cleaning the closet and organizing the garage. Every body's list is different depending on their life, obligations and priorities.
Working out for me used to fit in that last category. During the past few years, it has moved up and down the list a bit. Initially, when workouts became regular in my life, I knew I needed to work out so my attitude was I will try to fit one in here and there (aka 3rd category). Unfortunately, it seemed that I did not make the time often enough and consistently came up with other things I "needed" to do during the times I would have otherwise worked out.
Knowing what that meant to my health, I made the decision to move working out to the first category, an absolute MUST. This worked well for me for periods of time. I met a great, motivating trainer who took an interest in my progress. I met friends who I could work out with and we kept each other honest. Despite the fun and accountability we all had, working out was still a must. It was not something that I felt I chose to do because I enjoyed it.
It was not the workouts, it was not the people I worked out with... or anything else. It was my juvenile mind. Because I had to do it, I would not allow myself to enjoy it. I needed to let go of the "MUST" and just go with it. Once I realized that and changed my mindset, working out has been so different. It is now something I do not because I have to, but because I want to for me. It has now become a member of the 2nd category, which is the most precious one. This is were everything that matters most life sits in. It is where it should be, because working out is just about me and I need to be the most important thing in my life. That is what enables me to be something to everyone else special in my life.
However, with all that being said, let's be real. Life happens and time is always in shortage. Although I wanted to get 5 workouts in a week, most weeks I have been satisfied with 4. Four workouts a week multiplied by 4 weeks is 16 per month (& of course 5 is 20 a month). Despite workouts becoming something I like to do now, I still struggled to get those 16 or 20 in a month. Anything could throw me off - a visitor from out of town, going away for a weekend, meetings, social commitments, staying up late to watch the game - anything. In the back of my mind I knew I could do it, but needed to motivate myself more. I could wake up an hour earlier. If I had a week that I knew working out was going to be tough later in the week, I could work out twice a day earlier in the week.
So, for this month (October 2012) I set a goal for myself to complete 30 workouts in 31 days. The point of my goal was to prove to myself that I could do it; not physically, but time wise. I knew that if I could complete this goal, with still taking days off and not neglecting anything else, then I could never tell myself that 16 or 20 was not possible.
I am happy and proud that this morning I completed my 30th workout for October. My routine was a mix of classes and interval jog/walk/runs. There were days that I did a morning and evening workout. There were days I did nothing. It was all about telling myself I was going to do it. Yes, some days I was tired. But do I feel good? Absolutely!
Getting at least 20 workouts in for November will be a breeze!
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
My Ten Favorite Products (Right Now)
There are so many products in the market and each are packaged with claims to persuade you to buy it. I am often intrigued by new products and find the need to try them. But once I love a product, I am often a customer for life.
Here are my ten favorite products right now (in no particular order):
Glaceau SmartWater
I know how important it is to drink water. I also know that I just don't like to. However, the crisp taste of SmartWater actually makes me want to drink it. I credit this product with me actually staying hydrated, which is the first step in any healthy life. www.facebook.com/smartwater
Urban Decay Naked 2
If you own only one eyeshadow palette this should be the one. If you are a makeup hoarder, you, too need this. Honestly, I could throw away the rest of my eye shadows and use this forever. Whether you are doing a dramatic nighttime eye or a natural day look, the shadows that you need are in here. www.urbandecay.com

Bath & Body Works Wallflower
I have a dog and love to cook, so keeping my home smelling like fresh laundry can often be a challenge. However, this something that I am completely OCD about. The plug in wallflowers allow me to not worry about it. Also, with the dozens of scents for sale, I can easy set the mood I want in each room in the house. www.bathandbodyworks.com
Steri Pod
Since I've already opened up about my OCD it should be safe to divulge that I am a bit of a germaphobe as well. All of you need to do is think about it for a minute and you can go crazy. Think about the amount of germs that are transferred from your mouth to a toothbrush and then the germs that are floating around the bathroom that also land on your brush, all of which go back into your mouth. This product is like a cover for your brush that also kills germs. Love! www.facebook.com/steripod

Pur Minerals
My skin is far from flawless. At 40 years old I battle wrinkles AND acne. (Side note: this could be one of the world's worst injustices) My fair skin is often blotchy and pink. I am not a fan of traditional foundations as I feel they are too heavy and often leave me shiny. I have been using Pur Minerals for 6 years now and don't think I will ever change. It makes me look flawless! www.purminerals.com
Zensah Leg Sleeve
So many of us are trying to work out regularly and yet injuries can get in the way. If you are prone to shin splints, cramps in your calves, or varicose veins, you need to try these leg sleeves. I have a problem from an old blood issue in my right leg. For years I just either dealt with the pain or used it as an excuse. Since I bought the Zensah Leg sleeve, I have not had one issue! Click Here For Website

Spot Shot
I don't know where all the spots on carpeting come from. Yes, some may be spills or dog prints. But sometimes I feel they just grow overnight. Spot Shot instantly removes stains. I am not sure how they do it, but almost all stains will be gone in less than a minute. The cleaner also smells good! Click Here for Website

Bond No. 9 Perfume
Speaking of smelling good... My friend KP and I discovered this perfume in Sag Harbor, NY this summer. They have many different scents, most of which are named after NY neighborhoods. It is mind blowing how well they match the vibe of the area to a blends of scents, but they do it time and time again! The I Love NY collection is less pricey and just as fabulous (Earth Day pictured here is a personal fave). What is more amazing is that the perfumes last for hours. I have a tough time finding perfumes that wear for a long time and does not smell like alcohol. So this is a real find! http://www.bondno9.com/
Urban Decay Eye Primer
Some girls are very good at bringing makeup with them and touching up from time to time throughout the day. I am not that girl. I want to apply my makeup and not think about it again. This is exactly why I LOVE Urban Decay's Eye Primer. I have done my eyes before dinner, gone out, gone to sleep and woke up with perfect eye makeup. OK, I know I shouldn't have just admitted that sometimes I do sleep without taking off my makeup. But, it is true. www.urbandecay.com

Tervis Tumblers
I don't know how these tumblers are not the only drink ware people use. The first benefit is that you don't have to worry about your cold drink sweating nor leaving a ring on the furniture. Secondly, it really does keep your cold drink cold. It also keeps your hot drinks hot. Want to take your drink with you, just pop one of their lids on it. Eliminates the need for coffee specific travel mugs. Fabulous!! Since they make them with all team & school logos and various designs, I have bought them as gifts for many people. www.tervis.com
Here are my ten favorite products right now (in no particular order):
Glaceau SmartWater
I know how important it is to drink water. I also know that I just don't like to. However, the crisp taste of SmartWater actually makes me want to drink it. I credit this product with me actually staying hydrated, which is the first step in any healthy life. www.facebook.com/smartwater
Urban Decay Naked 2

Bath & Body Works Wallflower
I have a dog and love to cook, so keeping my home smelling like fresh laundry can often be a challenge. However, this something that I am completely OCD about. The plug in wallflowers allow me to not worry about it. Also, with the dozens of scents for sale, I can easy set the mood I want in each room in the house. www.bathandbodyworks.com

Since I've already opened up about my OCD it should be safe to divulge that I am a bit of a germaphobe as well. All of you need to do is think about it for a minute and you can go crazy. Think about the amount of germs that are transferred from your mouth to a toothbrush and then the germs that are floating around the bathroom that also land on your brush, all of which go back into your mouth. This product is like a cover for your brush that also kills germs. Love! www.facebook.com/steripod

Pur Minerals
My skin is far from flawless. At 40 years old I battle wrinkles AND acne. (Side note: this could be one of the world's worst injustices) My fair skin is often blotchy and pink. I am not a fan of traditional foundations as I feel they are too heavy and often leave me shiny. I have been using Pur Minerals for 6 years now and don't think I will ever change. It makes me look flawless! www.purminerals.com
Zensah Leg Sleeve

Spot Shot
I don't know where all the spots on carpeting come from. Yes, some may be spills or dog prints. But sometimes I feel they just grow overnight. Spot Shot instantly removes stains. I am not sure how they do it, but almost all stains will be gone in less than a minute. The cleaner also smells good! Click Here for Website

Bond No. 9 Perfume
Speaking of smelling good... My friend KP and I discovered this perfume in Sag Harbor, NY this summer. They have many different scents, most of which are named after NY neighborhoods. It is mind blowing how well they match the vibe of the area to a blends of scents, but they do it time and time again! The I Love NY collection is less pricey and just as fabulous (Earth Day pictured here is a personal fave). What is more amazing is that the perfumes last for hours. I have a tough time finding perfumes that wear for a long time and does not smell like alcohol. So this is a real find! http://www.bondno9.com/

Some girls are very good at bringing makeup with them and touching up from time to time throughout the day. I am not that girl. I want to apply my makeup and not think about it again. This is exactly why I LOVE Urban Decay's Eye Primer. I have done my eyes before dinner, gone out, gone to sleep and woke up with perfect eye makeup. OK, I know I shouldn't have just admitted that sometimes I do sleep without taking off my makeup. But, it is true. www.urbandecay.com

Tervis Tumblers
I don't know how these tumblers are not the only drink ware people use. The first benefit is that you don't have to worry about your cold drink sweating nor leaving a ring on the furniture. Secondly, it really does keep your cold drink cold. It also keeps your hot drinks hot. Want to take your drink with you, just pop one of their lids on it. Eliminates the need for coffee specific travel mugs. Fabulous!! Since they make them with all team & school logos and various designs, I have bought them as gifts for many people. www.tervis.com
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Loaded Baked Potato Slow Cooker Soup
Nothing says a Fall Sunday Afternoon to me like Football on the TV and
some good soup (or stew, or chili) simmering in the kitchen.
I do love using my Dutch oven to make soups, but I also think that the
slower cooker is a marvelous invention as I can prepare the food in the morning
and then just enjoy it whenever I feel like it later in the day.
I have tried many recipes for a Loaded Baked Potato soup and after some
trial and error; I have come up with my recipe.
- 5 pounds russet potatoes
- 1 large yellow onion
- 10 cloves of garlic
- 1 tablespoon seasoned salt
- 64 ounces (8 cups) chicken stock
- 8 oz cream cheese, softened
- 8 oz of sour cream
- 15 slices of bacon
- Scallions
- Shredded Cheddar Cheese
Wash (DO NOT PEEL) Potatoes and Dice into cubes
(appox ½ inch)
Dice onion
Mince garlic
Cook Potatoes, Onion, Garlic, Stock & Salt
in Slow Cooker for 6 hours on High
Cook 15 slices of Bacon (do this however you
normally cook bacon) and set aside to cool
Chop scallions (green onions) into 1/8 inch
After 6 hours in the slow cooker is complete,
crumble bacon into soup.
Add cream cheese and sour cream to slow cooker
With an immersion mixer blend together (if you
don’t have an immersion mixer, you can transfer to a blender). Blend until you arrive at the consistency
that you desire. I like it smooth but I
know people who like a chunkier potato soup.
Ladle into bowls and garnish with green onions
& cheddar cheese to taste
Monday, September 10, 2012
Eleven Years & Counting...

Eleven Years And Counting...
I could feel it on my insides starting last evening. Everything tightening. Loss of focus. Random thoughts in my mind. Tears building. Angry tension.
They are calling for a clear sky in North Carolina tomorrow and although it seems unthinkable, I really would rather it rain.
My heart was broken 11 years ago and although just like a physical wound that heals, the affected area is never the same. I can't imagine what this day does to all the children who lost parents, parents who lost children... siblings and spouses who never got to see theirs again.
When I close my eyes I can still smell the air, hear the sounds and see the sights. Whatever your memories are of that day, I beg you to never forget... never, ever forget. Sometimes I hear that and it seems angry. I understand that anger and used to say it in that tone. Now I repeat those words as a plea. When you see a member of the military, police, and fire departments - Thank them. When you think of them, have compassion. When you are talking about government budgets, think about what you are asking these individuals to do and the sacrifices their families make. I ask you to remember when you are oh so put out by the requests of a TSA agent. Don't forget that we do have real enemies who want to harm us. Consider that being inconvenienced and/or losing some small privileges could save thousands of lives... even yours.
I read the blog post I wrote 3 years ago and thought I would share it again, because even though it doesn't really capture my deep emotions, I don't think I could do any better.
Has It Been 8 Years Already? Has it Only Been 8 Years?
As I settle in to enjoy the first night of NFL, there is something nagging at my heart. I look forward to this day for 7 months. I have spent the past 4 weekends rushing around to complete tasks around the house so I don't feel so guilty when I spend the next 17 Sundays hanging onto every over-analyzed comment some has-been wants to throw at me. Hell, the Mets even decided to pack it in more than a month ago so I could dedicate myself fully to the NFL games and my beloved Fantasy Team, "The Long Island Hell Cats." So why am I lacking the excitement I usually have and my heart, so heavy?
Eight years ago our country changed (or at least should have) forever. And even if you think I am overstating that I can assure you that I changed forever that day.
At the time I was working for the Muscular Dystrophy Association as a District Director. It was a job I loved in so many ways. I will spare you the negatives at this point in time. Working at MDA I met so many amazing people who handled challenges that I could never imagine better than I handled finding a dress to wear to an event. From children knowing that they would never grow as old as I was at the time (in my late 20s) to those around my age who knew they would never see their newborn's 5th birthday. The strength these individuals and their families showed me everyday was nothing short of inspiring. I always thought what I saw at MDA would be the best and worst I would ever see.
Despite acknowledging that everyday, I still let my own life struggles get the best of me at times. September 10, 2001 was one of those days. In some ways it was a typical "nothing goes right" Monday after an exhausting summer of golf tournaments and various "athon"s. Additionally, I was still struggling with the death of my dear PaPa in August. After a very long day at work, I went home, ate dinner, spoke to a friend on the phone and then headed to bed early.
As my alarm went of on that Tuesday morning, I grunted (as usual), hit snooze a few times and made my way to the bathroom. After popping my contacts in, I headed back to the bedroom to figure out what I wanted to wear. The clock caught my eye and realized I had left my alarm set for 2 hours early, when I had to awake on Monday. I snuggled back into my bed to catch a few more zzzs but could not. So, reluctantly, I made a decision to have a good day. I changed my clothes, headed to the living area and had an early morning date with my on-again-off-again boyfriend Billy Blanks. Once Tae Bo had my blood pumping I got into the shower and off I went.
As I drove to pick up the "Long Island Champion Breakfast" of a Large Coffee and Buttered Roll from 7-Eleven, the amazingly blue sky caught my eye. Upon exiting with my treats in hand, I stopped before opening my car door to look at every bit of sky I could see... just trying to find one (however itty bitty) cloud. I could not find one. As I sat down in my car, I rolled down every window and the moon roof and reaffirmed to myself out loud that today was going to be a great day. I was ready.
At each stop light on my way to the office (which if I remember correctly, there are 97 lights between Setauket & Hauppauge ... especially if you take route 347) I looked up at the sky through the moon roof. I was in complete amazement. In all my 20-some-odd years, I had never seen such a blue sky.
Upon entering the office, I went on my normal routine. Turned on the lights and computers. I turned on the office CD player and knew I had a good 1 1/2 hours before anyone else would arrive. At the time I was in the midst of a huge Harry Connick, Jr. phase and would often use his mellow tones to ease me into my day. But not today. I had pushed my southern boy to the side for my old standard, hometown boy, Billy Joel. As I rushed around the office, I sang along with BJ with a determined light heartedness I not had in at least a couple of months.
At approximately 8:50 AM I received a phone call from a friend telling me that "some jackass drove a plane in the World Trade Center.... and you thought you had a bad day yesterday?" I rushed off the phone as I had things to do, shaking my head wondering how a pilot could manage that. He had to be drunk.
Just a few minutes after 9 AM, some of my co workers started into the office. Okay, we had a small staff and as much as I love them, being on time was not one of the respects they showed me. But today, their faces were stressed, confused, pale and they were rambling on. What? Another plane hit the WTC? My friend called back to let me know that this was no mistake. We were under attack. My breathtaking sky was now the backdrop to smoke, ashes, horror and the last breaths of thousands of people.
Since I did work for a not-for-profit, we did not have luxuries like Internet or television to be able to watch the news coverage. However, Billy did need to shut up, as we needed to listen to the news on the radio. As I look back now, I am glad that I did not have a television to see the 2nd plane hit or the towers fall. At least when I did see it happen, I knew it was coming.
Maybe another day I will write all the details of the day; that is if I ever really remember them. It really is a blur. I remember no cell phones or LAN lines working all day in New York. No way to find out if your friends and family were safe. There were so many people who were lucky to get out of the city that day, even if it did take them 15 hours and they were as dirty as could be. Meanwhile while so many were fleeing, Firefighters and Police were leaving their safe homes and heading in to try and save their brothers and those that they dedicated their lives to keep safe. The highways were closed to the rest of us.
After leaving work and stopping at my parent's house to check in, I arrived at my apartment. I spent the next 12 hours glued to news coverage, listening to helicopters and military planes fly overhead, and reminding myself not to think about what that smell was that was lingering in the air.
For the next few weeks (or longer), the average New Yorker lived in a Zombie like state. Some were consumed with news coverage. Some were angry. Some were searching for their loved ones that were still missing. Some found God. Many were attending funerals. Many were looking for someway to payback. Most gave in any way we could to neighbors and charities that needed our help. All of us cried. All of us were looking for reasons why.
Commuting on Long Island is a nightmare that could turn the most calm person into a road rage offender. But during those weeks, drivers were courteous and I received many friendly hellos from strangers, which I had never seen before on LI. However, for weeks the commutes were worse than ever. You could not drive without running into a funeral procession or hitting traffic by a funeral home or fire house. Those purple flags hung for months on each fire house. However, I did not want to go to the Railroad station. There, you would see THEIR CARS. The cars that were there last time you were there... in the same spot. The ones that their owners left behind on that Tuesday Morning and never came back for.
The one sight that would lighten my mood was seeing my beautiful "Old Glory" everywhere I went. This Flag Day baby has never seen a more beautiful sight than the stars and stripes blowing in the wind. Every car, house, business, highway overpass... Everywhere you looked was the Red, White & Blue hung with pride. The one thought that made me feel better was knowing PaPa did not have to see what happened that day.
As with all things, time began to heal wounds. I don't believe they will ever completely be mended; For sure, the scars are deep. I am a lucky one. Of course, I know people whose journey ended that day but I did not lose a family member or a close friend.
However, something precious to me was taken from me on 9/11... blue skies. For eight years I have never seen a more beautiful sky than I did that morning. Any one that has even come close quickly reminds me of that day and shrouds me in sadness, even if only for a few minutes.
In my mind I have fought this. I don't want to give that to those who attacked us. One day, I will look at a blue sky and just bask in it again. The only thing that could make that day better was if while doing so I saw American Flags hung with pride for no reason. If people where just proud to be Americans because of our history, present & future... not because someone punched us in the eye.
I look forward to that day. But tonight, I make the decision to not let them take football from me as well. Even as Harry just sang the Star Spangled Banner in his fabulous voice, just as he began to sing "Recipe for Love" that morning. I remember that day and send my prayers to all those who lost their life that day. But I will not let terrorists win anymore.
"Where Were You (When The World Stopped Turning)"
By Alan Jackson
Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Out in the yard with your wife and children
Working on some stage in LA
Did you stand there in shock at the site of
That black smoke rising against that blue sky
Did you shout out in anger
In fear for your neighbor
Or did you just sit down and cry
Did you weep for the children
Who lost their dear loved ones
And pray for the ones who don't know
Did you rejoice for the people who walked from the rubble
And sob for the ones left below
Did you burst out in pride
For the red white and blue
The heroes who died just doing what they do
Did you look up to heaven for some kind of answer
And look at yourself to what really matters
I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love
Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Teaching a class full of innocent children
Driving down some cold interstate
Did you feel guilty cause you're a survivor
In a crowded room did you feel alone
Did you call up your mother and tell her you love her
Did you dust off that bible at home
Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened
Close your eyes and not go to sleep
Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages
Speak with some stranger on the street
Did you lay down at night and think of tomorrow
Go out and buy you a gun
Did you turn off that violent old movie you're watching
And turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns
Did you go to a church and hold hands with some stranger
Stand in line and give your own blood
Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family
Thank God you had somebody to love
I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love
I'm just a singer of simple songs
I'm not a real political man
I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you
The difference in Iraq and Iran
But I know Jesus and I talk to God
And I remember this from when I was young
Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us
And the greatest is love
The greatest is love
The greatest is love
Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Rules for Political Social Media Rants
Politics. The word actually means
the art or science of government. However, most of the time what we refer to as
politics is actually propaganda, which is the spreading of ideas, information,
or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a
In the age of social media, Politics
has actually gotten more interesting as the propaganda has become more
If you know me well, you know my
political views and know that I am fascinated by politics. Hence, this is why I
was a Political Science major with a concentration in Political Psychology. I
am very interested in why certain people vote the way they do and why each
person believes in different ideals.
With that being said, I am saddened
by the way Social Media has "dumbed down" the exchange of political
ideas. From the start of the RNC to the end of DNC logging into Facebook has
become painful. It became obvious who only watched the speeches from "their
side." It is clear who has an open mind and who just wants to repeat catch
lines until everyone taps out as they are held in a submission hold.
I think it is great when people participate
in our system, because that is the foundation of our government. However, it is
important that we move forward educating ourselves on issues and ideals and
that we are not bullied into supporting candidates and parties. Therefore, I wanted
to provide everyone with a list of rules that I believe should be followed when
sharing your political beliefs on social media.
correctly use the word "ignorant" instead of just being ignorant. The definition of ignorant is lacking knowledge or
comprehension of the thing specified. Often I see political rants claiming that
you are ignorant if you vote X or Y. Although an ignorant person may be voting
that way, it is not the only reason why someone would make that choice. Possibly
the individual that is making that decision based on their personal beliefs. It
IS ignorant to be so egocentric to think that your way is the only way. One of
the many great things about this country is that we can all express opinions of
how we think things should be handled. If someone doesn't agree with you, it
does not necessarily mean they are not informed.
Be careful
not to assume that you know why I make the decisions I do. If someone votes for an African American candidate that
does not mean they are not a racist deep down. On the other side, if someone chooses
not to vote for a Jewish candidate, it does not automatically make the voter an
anti-Semite. In fact, voting FOR a candidate just because of their race,
religion, ethnicity, etc. is just as offensive, ignorant and racist as not
voting for someone because of the same factor. In the same category,
acknowledge that there is more than one issue we deal with as a nation. So, if
someone supports a candidate who is for more gun control, do not assume that the
voter is. If a person supports a candidate who is Prolife in all circumstances,
that person could be Prochoice. When picking a candidate there are many factors
to consider. If there is one issue is that important to you, maybe you vote on
one issue. However the majority of voters do look at variety of issues and
votes for the candidate who they think will do the best for the
facts before you repeat them.
I think in the past 5 years we have all learned to check snopes.com before
passing along that email about a lost child. Well, campaign ads, campaign
speeches, tweets, Facebook posts, etc. should not be blindly repeated as well.
Watching both conventions there were statements made that may have been true in
the context they were said, but were cleverly said to imply something untrue.
The candidates know how the average person is going to hear what they said
(different from the 100% truth) and repeat it.
Don't be a
Bully. So many of the posts I have read
are angry and commanding. A good exchange of ideas can be educational and eye-opening.
It is obnoxious to try and force your views onto others. Additionally, you are
cheating yourself out of listening to another point of view that may alter your
perspective. Part of our country's core values revolve around everyone thinking
for themselves and not being told what to believe. I may not agree with you,
but I like to hear how someone else looks at it. However, if you yell at me and
try to belittle my thoughts, I have zero interest in trying to see it your way.
It is not a Sporting Event. Remember that this is not just a run for office; it is
about running the country/state/locality. It is not about being on the winning
team or supporting who you think is going to win. I love good smack talk about
sports and blindly support my teams. However, this is real life with real
consequences. Ask yourself what has that person done or what will they do. Ask
yourself how the candidates stand on the issues and how that relates to what
you think is best for the country.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
NFL Kickoff: Top 10 NFL Eye Candy
I wait seven months for tomorrow to arrive. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a sports nut, especially obsessed with football. I don't look forward to any day as much as the 1st day of the season. So, I needed to find a good way to celebrate.
At the same time, I know that some of my girlfriends are not interested in the game. SMH! I can not understand that at all, but I will pretend to respect it.
Selfishly, I want to convert as many as my friends to NFL fans so that they don't plan fun things while my games are on. But I am also considering this as a servicce to their husbands/boyfriends.
In an effort to accomplish my goals, I am providing my Top 10 NFL Eye Candy.
(Note: Many of you may be looking for Tom Brady on such a list. Sorry ladies, as a true Jets fan, I can not include him on any of my Top Lists)
Mark Sanchez
Okay, okay... I know that you are thinking he just made the list because he IS a JET. But, if that is what you assumed, you may want to take a look at the photo below. Then, go Google his name. Uh Huh, that is what I thought. His play on the field may not always be pretty, but he sure is.

Photo: The Purple Chaos
Terrell Owens
He is known to be difficult to deal with and sometimes a diva. Many in Philadelphia didn't appreciate him doing crunches in his driveway. However, I think to have abs like that you need to constantly do crunches. Terrell may not play in the NFL this season and that is our loss

Photo: DivaWhispers.com
Tony Romo
It is no shock that Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson both dated this Dallas QB. He is that All-American hottie with a winning smile. Just to add to his allure, I have heard many stories of how fabulous he is in "real life", such as stopping on his way home from a game to help a stranded motorist with a flat time. Even I can like a Cowboy when it comes to Romo!

Photo: KissingSuzyColber.com
Kyle Boller
Personally, his play on the field is nothing that will excite me. But I am sure this guy has gotten many a girl excited off the field.

Tony Gonzalez
He may be one of the older Tight Ends in the NFL, but still at the top of players to look at. With his winning smile and great bone structure, even his tight end can't make me take my eyes off that face!

Photo: Wikipedia
Matt Forte
In the last couple of years, Matt Forte has made himself known on the field. But now he made me edge Reggie Bush off this lists. That was not easy to make me do. However, there is something LL like about that mouth!

Photo: Zimbio
Tim Tebow
Yes, Mark's back up also made the list. By all accounts he is a good, faithful man. I didn't take his trip to his NY well, because I thought it would mess with Mark's mind. However, I have enjoyed each flash of his perfect physique. Even if I never hear him give a sermon, Tebow regularly reaffirms that there is a God..
Photo: GQ
Adrian Peterson
What a smile! What eyes! What moves! There is nothing that AP does that doesn't make me take notice.

Photo: dailyleisureviking.com
Cam Newton
He is a self proclaimed Superman. His dimples and swagger make me a believer.

Photo: theurbandaily.com
Jason Taylor
Yes, I know Jason is retired. And, yes, I know for most of his career he was a Jet Killer. But, MY GOODNESS! There is no way that Jason would be left off this list. ever.

Photos: Mostbeautifulman.com and deadline.com
Ladies.... You are welcome!
At the same time, I know that some of my girlfriends are not interested in the game. SMH! I can not understand that at all, but I will pretend to respect it.
Selfishly, I want to convert as many as my friends to NFL fans so that they don't plan fun things while my games are on. But I am also considering this as a servicce to their husbands/boyfriends.
In an effort to accomplish my goals, I am providing my Top 10 NFL Eye Candy.
(Note: Many of you may be looking for Tom Brady on such a list. Sorry ladies, as a true Jets fan, I can not include him on any of my Top Lists)
Mark Sanchez
Okay, okay... I know that you are thinking he just made the list because he IS a JET. But, if that is what you assumed, you may want to take a look at the photo below. Then, go Google his name. Uh Huh, that is what I thought. His play on the field may not always be pretty, but he sure is.
Photo: The Purple Chaos
Terrell Owens
He is known to be difficult to deal with and sometimes a diva. Many in Philadelphia didn't appreciate him doing crunches in his driveway. However, I think to have abs like that you need to constantly do crunches. Terrell may not play in the NFL this season and that is our loss
Photo: DivaWhispers.com
Tony Romo
It is no shock that Carrie Underwood and Jessica Simpson both dated this Dallas QB. He is that All-American hottie with a winning smile. Just to add to his allure, I have heard many stories of how fabulous he is in "real life", such as stopping on his way home from a game to help a stranded motorist with a flat time. Even I can like a Cowboy when it comes to Romo!
Photo: KissingSuzyColber.com
Kyle Boller
Personally, his play on the field is nothing that will excite me. But I am sure this guy has gotten many a girl excited off the field.
Tony Gonzalez
He may be one of the older Tight Ends in the NFL, but still at the top of players to look at. With his winning smile and great bone structure, even his tight end can't make me take my eyes off that face!
Photo: Wikipedia
Matt Forte
In the last couple of years, Matt Forte has made himself known on the field. But now he made me edge Reggie Bush off this lists. That was not easy to make me do. However, there is something LL like about that mouth!
Photo: Zimbio
Tim Tebow
Yes, Mark's back up also made the list. By all accounts he is a good, faithful man. I didn't take his trip to his NY well, because I thought it would mess with Mark's mind. However, I have enjoyed each flash of his perfect physique. Even if I never hear him give a sermon, Tebow regularly reaffirms that there is a God..
Photo: GQ
Adrian Peterson
What a smile! What eyes! What moves! There is nothing that AP does that doesn't make me take notice.
Photo: dailyleisureviking.com
Cam Newton
He is a self proclaimed Superman. His dimples and swagger make me a believer.
Photo: theurbandaily.com
Jason Taylor
Yes, I know Jason is retired. And, yes, I know for most of his career he was a Jet Killer. But, MY GOODNESS! There is no way that Jason would be left off this list. ever.
Photos: Mostbeautifulman.com and deadline.com
Ladies.... You are welcome!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Worst Fashion Trends in My Lifetime
Seeing the next generation walking around with the "new" trendy clothes in their back to school collections makes me smile. So many of the items being worn bring me back to rollerskating at Studio 25 or going to the Tri-County Flea Market. The Neon, leg warmers, sneakers, etc are a part of many memories. I make no apologies for the 80's. I love the fashion, the music, the movies, and just about everything. But, there were some fashion trends that I hope don't come back from the 80's and forward. I thought I would share my worst 10 and see what others thought.
10. Low rise Jeans with Whale Tail
This one I still see and can't understand it. It is called UNDERwear, no? Maybe it is a sign that I am getting old, but I just find this trashy!

9. Writing on the Butt
Well I think that the same girls who wore #10 also fancied #9. Both are designed for people to stare at you back end. I don't think that this one would have made the list except that parents allowed their tweens and young girls build a wardrobe out of them. No 13 year old should have Juicy, Sexy or Holla Back written across their rear.

Photo: Artofbeingconflicted.com
8. Joey Buttafuco Pants / Giant Fan Pants / Zubaz
Oh, you know this one. The multi colored zebra pant that are worn by only 2 types of people. Crazy fans who think that is showing of fandom OR unhip men who want to appear like they are gym rats. I don't care who you are; These are NEVER a good look. By the way, the maker of these pants are still in business selling these on the web. If you know someone who wears Zubaz, please stage an intervention.

7. Acid Wash Jeans
They seemed so cool at the time, but my goodness they are terrible. The woman's version with the high waist, pleated front and tapered leg has no redeeming feature at all.

Photos: Denimblog.com & ebay.com
6. Dressing like you are working out when you are not
The bright, swishy "track suits" were always obnoxious in both sight and sound. If they were being used to work out, I could ignore them. However when they became paired with a pair of pumps (you know you did it Staten Island and New Jersey), I had no tolerance. By the way, just because it was made by Christian Dior or was FUBU velour, doesn't mean it was any better. The flashdance look was better than the track suit, but still seems silly to dress for an activity you are not doing.

Photo: BNQT.com
5. Half Shirts
See the picture. do I need to say more?

Photo: Dailykos.com
4. Pants Falling Down
I find this to be very similar to #10. It appears to be a male version. I have heard many urban legends about how this started, most having to do with incarceration. I do think that whoever started it should be jailed.

Photo: moonbattery.com
3. 80's Hair Band Stage Outfits
I repeat - I love the 80's. So, I clearly love Hair Bands. However, the outfits were not what I loved. The hair can surely stay. But as you can see below with Cinderella, the clothes are not flattering.

Photo: Buzznet.com
2. Birkenstocks with Socks
I don't care if you are male or female. There is nothing cute, sexy, or even acceptable about this look.

Photo: Beckershoes.com
1. McHammer Pants
I still get a chuckle out of these. McHammer wearing them on stage or in a video is totally acceptable. However when people wore them on the street... so not. The funny thing is that when women wore them, they were worse as they looked like a sagging diaper.

Photo: partywiththis.com
For full disclosure, I will admit to wearing 3 of these styles. How many did you rock?
Are there any trends that you feel were worse than these?
10. Low rise Jeans with Whale Tail
This one I still see and can't understand it. It is called UNDERwear, no? Maybe it is a sign that I am getting old, but I just find this trashy!
9. Writing on the Butt
Well I think that the same girls who wore #10 also fancied #9. Both are designed for people to stare at you back end. I don't think that this one would have made the list except that parents allowed their tweens and young girls build a wardrobe out of them. No 13 year old should have Juicy, Sexy or Holla Back written across their rear.
Photo: Artofbeingconflicted.com
8. Joey Buttafuco Pants / Giant Fan Pants / Zubaz
Oh, you know this one. The multi colored zebra pant that are worn by only 2 types of people. Crazy fans who think that is showing of fandom OR unhip men who want to appear like they are gym rats. I don't care who you are; These are NEVER a good look. By the way, the maker of these pants are still in business selling these on the web. If you know someone who wears Zubaz, please stage an intervention.
7. Acid Wash Jeans
They seemed so cool at the time, but my goodness they are terrible. The woman's version with the high waist, pleated front and tapered leg has no redeeming feature at all.
Photos: Denimblog.com & ebay.com
6. Dressing like you are working out when you are not
The bright, swishy "track suits" were always obnoxious in both sight and sound. If they were being used to work out, I could ignore them. However when they became paired with a pair of pumps (you know you did it Staten Island and New Jersey), I had no tolerance. By the way, just because it was made by Christian Dior or was FUBU velour, doesn't mean it was any better. The flashdance look was better than the track suit, but still seems silly to dress for an activity you are not doing.
Photo: BNQT.com
5. Half Shirts
See the picture. do I need to say more?
Photo: Dailykos.com
4. Pants Falling Down
I find this to be very similar to #10. It appears to be a male version. I have heard many urban legends about how this started, most having to do with incarceration. I do think that whoever started it should be jailed.
Photo: moonbattery.com
3. 80's Hair Band Stage Outfits
I repeat - I love the 80's. So, I clearly love Hair Bands. However, the outfits were not what I loved. The hair can surely stay. But as you can see below with Cinderella, the clothes are not flattering.
Photo: Buzznet.com
2. Birkenstocks with Socks
I don't care if you are male or female. There is nothing cute, sexy, or even acceptable about this look.
Photo: Beckershoes.com
1. McHammer Pants
I still get a chuckle out of these. McHammer wearing them on stage or in a video is totally acceptable. However when people wore them on the street... so not. The funny thing is that when women wore them, they were worse as they looked like a sagging diaper.
Photo: partywiththis.com
For full disclosure, I will admit to wearing 3 of these styles. How many did you rock?
Are there any trends that you feel were worse than these?
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Candy Corn Fattens Up
I am not someone who feels the need to eat chocolate, cookies or cake regularly. I much prefer real foods. However, I have never met a sugary candy I don't like (peeps, twizzlers, gummy bears, Swedish fish, i.e.).
With that type of sweet tooth, I have been able fool myself with the 0 fat content. Yes, I know it is all sugar that turns into fat, but at that moment I am enjoying the treat it has 0 fat.
I just gave you insight into the brain of someone who has battled weight for years. I know it is twisted, but it is really how my mind works.
But now, I have been thrown a loop. Something that tastes like candy corn (yum) but is white chocolate (my chocolate of choice) so it has a fat content.
I'm trying to decide...is this a good treat for me because I can not hide behind the 0 fat? As I pick it up I KNOW it contains fat. Has M&M's invented a candy to curb me in the amount of sweets I eat?
Either way, I have seen the pumpkin peeps, the candy corn, etc. out in the stores already. I better start 2-a-days right away!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
With that type of sweet tooth, I have been able fool myself with the 0 fat content. Yes, I know it is all sugar that turns into fat, but at that moment I am enjoying the treat it has 0 fat.
I just gave you insight into the brain of someone who has battled weight for years. I know it is twisted, but it is really how my mind works.
But now, I have been thrown a loop. Something that tastes like candy corn (yum) but is white chocolate (my chocolate of choice) so it has a fat content.
I'm trying to decide...is this a good treat for me because I can not hide behind the 0 fat? As I pick it up I KNOW it contains fat. Has M&M's invented a candy to curb me in the amount of sweets I eat?
Either way, I have seen the pumpkin peeps, the candy corn, etc. out in the stores already. I better start 2-a-days right away!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Monday, August 20, 2012
Outgrowing My Relationsip with ESPN
It's not me... It's you.
We have all had that friend in your life who we needed to move on from. Sometimes it is because you have grown apart. Sometimes you find that you have moved on to greener pastures and they want to keep you down. Other times it is that you can't stand by and watch the harm they are causing themselves and those around them. It is for that last reason that I can no longer maintain the same relationship with ESPN. It hurts me to watch them undermine what made them great.
Anyone who knows me is painfully aware of my passion for all things sports. I am the girl who is offended if you send me a wedding invitation for the date/time of a Jets game. I have a dog named after my beloved Shea Stadium.
I am not sure the first time I watched ESPN, but I am sure it was well after their 1979 start. I can tell you that since I started watching, I haven't stopped. I spent every Sunday in most of the 90's drinking coffee out of my "Bristol University" mug. I DVR Outside the Lines everyday and Sports Reporters on Sundays. During Football season I spend hours watching Countdown. I have stood by ESPN when I thought that they let people leave who were wonderful and when they have kept people (mostly ex-athletes) even though they had no grasp on the English language.
ESPN has now lost their ability to just REPORT news in the sports world. Instead, they now chose to become the news or make content decisions based on who they want to build up / tear down.
There are so many examples of this that I will try to restrain myself, but here is a tasting:
ESPN's viewing public deserves better in return for our years of loyalty. I feel like I need to pull back on my devotion to them. So, although I love my Countdown Crew, I have decided to settle for the CBS team this year. Unfortunately, I am one person and "This is going to hurt me more than it does you."
We have all had that friend in your life who we needed to move on from. Sometimes it is because you have grown apart. Sometimes you find that you have moved on to greener pastures and they want to keep you down. Other times it is that you can't stand by and watch the harm they are causing themselves and those around them. It is for that last reason that I can no longer maintain the same relationship with ESPN. It hurts me to watch them undermine what made them great.
Anyone who knows me is painfully aware of my passion for all things sports. I am the girl who is offended if you send me a wedding invitation for the date/time of a Jets game. I have a dog named after my beloved Shea Stadium.
I am not sure the first time I watched ESPN, but I am sure it was well after their 1979 start. I can tell you that since I started watching, I haven't stopped. I spent every Sunday in most of the 90's drinking coffee out of my "Bristol University" mug. I DVR Outside the Lines everyday and Sports Reporters on Sundays. During Football season I spend hours watching Countdown. I have stood by ESPN when I thought that they let people leave who were wonderful and when they have kept people (mostly ex-athletes) even though they had no grasp on the English language.
ESPN has now lost their ability to just REPORT news in the sports world. Instead, they now chose to become the news or make content decisions based on who they want to build up / tear down.
There are so many examples of this that I will try to restrain myself, but here is a tasting:
- University of Miami - Last summer ESPN stopped regular programming to report the demise of the U. They had round table discussions about the future of Miami and if they could survive. All of this was based off the allegations of a Ponzi schemer in prison. Since that time nothing has been validated, ESPN has not mentioned it, nor have they acknowledged that they jumped on something without checking facts, like a responsible news source does. Don't get this twisted, if this was Notre Dame, Duke, i.e. the "story" would have been handled differently.
- University of North Carolina - This story is the exact proof needed to affirm my last sentence above. Despite the UNC academic scandal being front page news for the local paper, News & Observer, ESPN has barely touched the story. They did some reporting on it when the NCAA was in Chapel Hill, but now that the beloved UNC basketball program may be involved, ESPN has not touched it. Not even on Outside the Lines as an open question and to get public opinion. Since the story resurfaced, there have been 2 MORE stories about Penn State (because that hasn't been over covered).
- Sean Payton - This Sunday's Outside the Line program may have tossed me over the edge. I am indifferent about Sean Payton. I admire what he has accomplished as a coach and question his ethics at the same time. However since the 2009 season when Payton coached the Saints to a Super Bowl Championship which lifted the depressed post-Katrina New Orleans, ESPN has held Payton in high regard. He was made out to be a genius who also doubled as an actual Saint with his involvement in the community. In all the profiles I watched about him, I never heard a bad word. Today an entire OTL segment was devoted to how his character is questionable. I understand that we all didn't know about "bounty-gate" prior to this off season. However, they have dragged out witness after witness about how he is rude and arrogant. They are now telling us that the local reporters can't stand him because he lays into them with curses and pulling of privileges. There is no way that while researching previous pieces, that ESPN was unaware of these unfavorable opinions. Way to go ESPN... build up a man to deity and then tear him down.
- LeBron James - I was one of the countless fans that was disgusted by the egotistical display that is now known as "The Decision" when LeBron announced he was "Taking .. [his] talents to South Beach". The public was outraged and ESPN then agreed with the public and began reporting on him like he was a Diva. They questioned his heart and ability to close a big time game. They never ONCE took any responsibility that they payed for "The Decision". They planned, aired and promoted it. ESPN made this happen and then left LeBron to pick up the pieces. I guess he can be grateful that now he won a championship and so they have decided to befriend him again.
ESPN's viewing public deserves better in return for our years of loyalty. I feel like I need to pull back on my devotion to them. So, although I love my Countdown Crew, I have decided to settle for the CBS team this year. Unfortunately, I am one person and "This is going to hurt me more than it does you."
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Trying Chevy's Ale House, Apex, NC
Living on the Apex / Holly Springs border is straddling between enjoying a suburban small town laid back lifestyle and feeling far away from anything. We are clearly not in the boondocks, but at the same time when it comes to stores and restaurants, the selection here is lacking. We have a lot to chose from in Cary & Raleigh, but just not within 5 minutes.
So, when I returned from my vacation in New York, I was excited to see that Chevy's Ale House had opened at 55 & 1 (Old Ocean Stars location). I enjoy My Way and go there often enough, but was hoping that this could become another option. After hearing numerous not-so-great reviews, I decided to wait a couple of weeks to give them a try, with no expectations.
Now that they have been open a month, I hopped over with a friend to check it out. Honestly, the biggest issue that bothered me right away was if you come from the 55 business area, you need to go down an extra block and make a U-Turn, which is just annoying (minus a point).
As it has been for the past month the parking lot was full which is always somewhat encouraging when checking out a new restaurant. After waiting a few minutes to get seated (despite plenty of open tables and available staff), I was starting to think the reviews I heard of poor service were correct (minus a point = -2).
The layout is spacious, the bar is a decent size, there is a large outside patio, many large TVs (playing the Jets/Giants game) and even a Mark Sanchez framed jersey on the wall. (point scored = -1).
After being seated, the waitress did attend to our beverage needs quickly and efficiently (point scored = 0). from the list of approximately 15 beers on tap (point scored = +1).
A nice surprise was our waitress brought us a basket of popcorn to the table. Who doesn't love some popcorn? It reminded me Ground Round as a kid on Long Island. (point scored = +2).
The menu (http://www.chevysalehouse.com/menu) is fairly typical Sports Bar food, at fairly typical prices. They probably offer too many selections for their own good. Often these type of establishments would better serve themselves with a bit fewer options so the kitchen can focus on quality.
I considered many menu items. As usual, I immediately disregard any Italian options (meatball sub, pizza, i.e.) as I am a harsh critic on Italian food. Finally, my friend and I decide on ordering 2 sandwiches and splitting them - the Ham & Turkey on Pretzel Roll and the Meatloaf Sandwich.
The food arrived in a very reasonable amount of time (although I didn't time it, I remember being pleased when she arrived at the table).
I was a bit shocked at the size of the sandwiches. They were piled high with meat and, therefore, reminded me of Long Island sandwiches. The ham was a decent cold cut and the turkey was clearly carved, not a processed cold cut. The pretzel roll was hot and yummy. The one suggestion I would make is to heat the ham and turkey so the temperature differential does not impact the overall taste.
The meatloaf was above par. Each sandwich came with a handful of decent french fries and I was pleased to see that they did not give each meal a pound of fries. (point scored = +3).
Throughout the meal the manager and assistant manger came to our table to make sure all was okay. They did manage to do so in a non-intrusive manner (pet peave of mine). Most importantly, this convinced me that they had heard the tough reviews on the street and were making every effort to get it right. (point scored = +4).
All in all, it is a good place. It is a good place for what it is. Are you going to take someone there to impress them (1st date, client, in-laws)? No, but it is not that kind of place. It is a place to catch up with friends, get a bite to eat, have a few drinks and/or watch the game. And for that, they are a good option.
The crowd is the same type of random crowd you get at Bass Lake Draft House, Salem Street Pub or My Way, with families and individuals ranging from mid 20's to 70s.
I do plan on going back on a Saturday night, as they do have live bands every Saturday at 10 PM. I would like to see what crowd they are getting for that. Are they pulling the "dressed up to go out" Tony's Oyster Bar crowd or the laid back Holly Springs bar patrons? Additionally, I am extremely curious to know if they dim the lights for the nighttime bar atmosphere, because if not, you may get blinded by the bright lives when you walk in.
This location has been many restaurants in the past 4 years and I would like to see this place succeed. So, if you are in the Apex/Holly Springs area, give it a try. Just go in with reasonable expectations.
So, when I returned from my vacation in New York, I was excited to see that Chevy's Ale House had opened at 55 & 1 (Old Ocean Stars location). I enjoy My Way and go there often enough, but was hoping that this could become another option. After hearing numerous not-so-great reviews, I decided to wait a couple of weeks to give them a try, with no expectations.
Now that they have been open a month, I hopped over with a friend to check it out. Honestly, the biggest issue that bothered me right away was if you come from the 55 business area, you need to go down an extra block and make a U-Turn, which is just annoying (minus a point).
As it has been for the past month the parking lot was full which is always somewhat encouraging when checking out a new restaurant. After waiting a few minutes to get seated (despite plenty of open tables and available staff), I was starting to think the reviews I heard of poor service were correct (minus a point = -2).
The layout is spacious, the bar is a decent size, there is a large outside patio, many large TVs (playing the Jets/Giants game) and even a Mark Sanchez framed jersey on the wall. (point scored = -1).
After being seated, the waitress did attend to our beverage needs quickly and efficiently (point scored = 0). from the list of approximately 15 beers on tap (point scored = +1).
A nice surprise was our waitress brought us a basket of popcorn to the table. Who doesn't love some popcorn? It reminded me Ground Round as a kid on Long Island. (point scored = +2).
The menu (http://www.chevysalehouse.com/menu) is fairly typical Sports Bar food, at fairly typical prices. They probably offer too many selections for their own good. Often these type of establishments would better serve themselves with a bit fewer options so the kitchen can focus on quality.
I considered many menu items. As usual, I immediately disregard any Italian options (meatball sub, pizza, i.e.) as I am a harsh critic on Italian food. Finally, my friend and I decide on ordering 2 sandwiches and splitting them - the Ham & Turkey on Pretzel Roll and the Meatloaf Sandwich.
The food arrived in a very reasonable amount of time (although I didn't time it, I remember being pleased when she arrived at the table).
I was a bit shocked at the size of the sandwiches. They were piled high with meat and, therefore, reminded me of Long Island sandwiches. The ham was a decent cold cut and the turkey was clearly carved, not a processed cold cut. The pretzel roll was hot and yummy. The one suggestion I would make is to heat the ham and turkey so the temperature differential does not impact the overall taste.
The meatloaf was above par. Each sandwich came with a handful of decent french fries and I was pleased to see that they did not give each meal a pound of fries. (point scored = +3).
Throughout the meal the manager and assistant manger came to our table to make sure all was okay. They did manage to do so in a non-intrusive manner (pet peave of mine). Most importantly, this convinced me that they had heard the tough reviews on the street and were making every effort to get it right. (point scored = +4).
All in all, it is a good place. It is a good place for what it is. Are you going to take someone there to impress them (1st date, client, in-laws)? No, but it is not that kind of place. It is a place to catch up with friends, get a bite to eat, have a few drinks and/or watch the game. And for that, they are a good option.
The crowd is the same type of random crowd you get at Bass Lake Draft House, Salem Street Pub or My Way, with families and individuals ranging from mid 20's to 70s.
I do plan on going back on a Saturday night, as they do have live bands every Saturday at 10 PM. I would like to see what crowd they are getting for that. Are they pulling the "dressed up to go out" Tony's Oyster Bar crowd or the laid back Holly Springs bar patrons? Additionally, I am extremely curious to know if they dim the lights for the nighttime bar atmosphere, because if not, you may get blinded by the bright lives when you walk in.
This location has been many restaurants in the past 4 years and I would like to see this place succeed. So, if you are in the Apex/Holly Springs area, give it a try. Just go in with reasonable expectations.
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