10. Low rise Jeans with Whale Tail
This one I still see and can't understand it. It is called UNDERwear, no? Maybe it is a sign that I am getting old, but I just find this trashy!
9. Writing on the Butt
Well I think that the same girls who wore #10 also fancied #9. Both are designed for people to stare at you back end. I don't think that this one would have made the list except that parents allowed their tweens and young girls build a wardrobe out of them. No 13 year old should have Juicy, Sexy or Holla Back written across their rear.
Photo: Artofbeingconflicted.com
8. Joey Buttafuco Pants / Giant Fan Pants / Zubaz
Oh, you know this one. The multi colored zebra pant that are worn by only 2 types of people. Crazy fans who think that is showing of fandom OR unhip men who want to appear like they are gym rats. I don't care who you are; These are NEVER a good look. By the way, the maker of these pants are still in business selling these on the web. If you know someone who wears Zubaz, please stage an intervention.
7. Acid Wash Jeans
They seemed so cool at the time, but my goodness they are terrible. The woman's version with the high waist, pleated front and tapered leg has no redeeming feature at all.
Photos: Denimblog.com & ebay.com
6. Dressing like you are working out when you are not
The bright, swishy "track suits" were always obnoxious in both sight and sound. If they were being used to work out, I could ignore them. However when they became paired with a pair of pumps (you know you did it Staten Island and New Jersey), I had no tolerance. By the way, just because it was made by Christian Dior or was FUBU velour, doesn't mean it was any better. The flashdance look was better than the track suit, but still seems silly to dress for an activity you are not doing.
Photo: BNQT.com
5. Half Shirts
See the picture. do I need to say more?
Photo: Dailykos.com
4. Pants Falling Down
I find this to be very similar to #10. It appears to be a male version. I have heard many urban legends about how this started, most having to do with incarceration. I do think that whoever started it should be jailed.
Photo: moonbattery.com
3. 80's Hair Band Stage Outfits
I repeat - I love the 80's. So, I clearly love Hair Bands. However, the outfits were not what I loved. The hair can surely stay. But as you can see below with Cinderella, the clothes are not flattering.
Photo: Buzznet.com
2. Birkenstocks with Socks
I don't care if you are male or female. There is nothing cute, sexy, or even acceptable about this look.
Photo: Beckershoes.com
1. McHammer Pants
I still get a chuckle out of these. McHammer wearing them on stage or in a video is totally acceptable. However when people wore them on the street... so not. The funny thing is that when women wore them, they were worse as they looked like a sagging diaper.
Photo: partywiththis.com
For full disclosure, I will admit to wearing 3 of these styles. How many did you rock?
Are there any trends that you feel were worse than these?
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