Sunday, August 26, 2012

Candy Corn Fattens Up

I am not someone who feels the need to eat chocolate, cookies or cake regularly. I much prefer real foods. However, I have never met a sugary candy I don't like (peeps, twizzlers, gummy bears, Swedish fish, i.e.).
With that type of sweet tooth, I have been able fool myself with the 0 fat content. Yes, I know it is all sugar that turns into fat, but at that moment I am enjoying the treat it has 0 fat.
I just gave you insight into the brain of someone who has battled weight for years. I know it is twisted, but it is really how my mind works.
But now, I have been thrown a loop. Something that tastes like candy corn (yum) but is white chocolate (my chocolate of choice) so it has a fat content.
I'm trying to this a good treat for me because I can not hide behind the 0 fat? As I pick it up I KNOW it contains fat. Has M&M's invented a candy to curb me in the amount of sweets I eat?
Either way, I have seen the pumpkin peeps, the candy corn, etc. out in the stores already. I better start 2-a-days right away!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, August 20, 2012

Outgrowing My Relationsip with ESPN

It's not me... It's you.
We have all had that friend in your life who we needed to move on from.  Sometimes it is because you have grown apart.  Sometimes you find that you have moved on to greener pastures and they want to keep you down.  Other times it is that you can't stand by and watch the harm they are causing themselves and those around them.  It is for that last reason that I can no longer maintain the same relationship with ESPN.  It hurts me to watch them undermine what made them great.
Anyone who knows me is painfully aware of my passion for all things sports.  I am the girl who is offended if you send me a wedding invitation for the date/time of a Jets game.  I have a dog named after my beloved Shea Stadium. 
I am not sure the first time I watched ESPN, but I am sure it was well after their 1979 start.  I can tell you that since I started watching, I haven't stopped.  I spent every Sunday in most of  the 90's drinking coffee out of my "Bristol University" mug.  I DVR Outside the Lines everyday and Sports Reporters on Sundays.  During Football season I spend hours watching Countdown.  I have stood by ESPN when I thought that they let people leave who were wonderful and when they have kept people (mostly ex-athletes) even though they had no grasp on the English language.
ESPN has now lost their ability to just REPORT news in the sports world.  Instead, they now chose to become the news or make content decisions based on who they want to build up / tear down.
There are so many examples of this that I will try to restrain myself, but here is a tasting:
  • University of Miami - Last summer ESPN stopped regular programming to report the demise of the U.  They had round table discussions about the future of Miami and if they could survive.  All of this was based off the allegations of a Ponzi schemer in prison.  Since that time nothing has been validated, ESPN has not mentioned it, nor have they acknowledged that they jumped on something without checking facts, like a responsible news source does.  Don't get this twisted, if this was Notre Dame, Duke, i.e. the "story" would have been handled differently.
  • University of North Carolina - This story is the exact proof needed to affirm my last sentence above.  Despite the UNC academic scandal being front page news for the local paper, News & Observer, ESPN has barely touched the story. They did some reporting on it when the NCAA was in Chapel Hill, but now that the beloved UNC basketball program may be involved, ESPN has not touched it.  Not even on Outside the Lines as an open question and to get public opinion. Since the story resurfaced, there have been 2 MORE stories about Penn State (because that hasn't been over covered). 
  • Sean  Payton - This Sunday's Outside the Line program may have tossed me over the edge.  I am indifferent about Sean Payton.  I admire what he has accomplished as a coach and question his ethics at the same time.  However since the 2009 season when Payton coached the Saints to a Super Bowl Championship which lifted the depressed post-Katrina New Orleans, ESPN has held Payton in high regard.  He was made out to be a genius who also doubled as an actual Saint with his involvement in the community.  In all the profiles I watched about him, I never heard a bad word.  Today an entire OTL segment was devoted to how his character is questionable.  I understand that we all didn't know about "bounty-gate" prior to this off season.  However, they have dragged out witness after witness about how he is rude and arrogant.  They are now telling us that the local reporters can't stand him because he lays into them with curses and pulling of privileges.  There is no way that while researching previous pieces, that ESPN was unaware of these unfavorable opinions. Way to go ESPN... build up a man to deity and then tear him down. 
  • LeBron James - I was one of the countless fans that was disgusted by the egotistical display that is now known as "The Decision" when LeBron announced he was "Taking .. [his] talents to South Beach".  The public was outraged and ESPN then agreed with the public and began reporting on him like he was a Diva.  They questioned his heart and ability to close a big time game.  They never ONCE took any responsibility that they payed for "The Decision".  They planned, aired and promoted it.  ESPN made this happen and then left LeBron to pick up the pieces.  I guess he can be grateful that now he won a championship and so they have decided to befriend him again.
Perhaps it is because many who work for ESPN have loyalties to teams they played for, athletes/coaches/management they have played with, or their alumni affiliations.  But whatever the reason they have decided to make some people absolute villains and to anoint others as the next coming.   They have torn down so many people/programs and yet did not inform the public about others to maintain certain images.  It is irresponsible and self-divulging. 
ESPN's viewing public deserves better in return for our years of loyalty.  I feel like I need to pull back on my devotion to them.  So, although I love my Countdown Crew, I have decided to settle for the CBS team this year. Unfortunately, I am one person and "This is going to hurt me more than it does you."

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Trying Chevy's Ale House, Apex, NC

Living on the Apex / Holly Springs border is straddling between enjoying a suburban small town laid back lifestyle and feeling far away from anything.  We are clearly not in the boondocks, but at the same time when it comes to stores and restaurants, the selection here is lacking.  We have a lot to chose from in Cary & Raleigh, but just not within 5 minutes.
So, when I returned from my vacation in New York, I was excited to see that Chevy's Ale House had opened at 55 & 1 (Old Ocean Stars location).  I enjoy My Way and go there often enough, but was hoping that this could become another option.  After hearing numerous not-so-great reviews, I decided to wait a couple of weeks to give them a try, with no expectations.
Now that they have been open a month, I hopped over with a friend to check it out.  Honestly, the biggest issue that bothered me right away was if you come from the 55 business area, you need to go down an extra block and make a U-Turn, which is just annoying (minus a point). 
As it has been for the past month the parking lot was full which is always somewhat encouraging when checking out a new restaurant.  After waiting a few minutes to get seated (despite plenty of open tables and available staff), I was starting to think the reviews I heard of poor service were correct (minus a point = -2). 
The layout is spacious, the bar is a decent size, there is a large outside patio, many large TVs (playing the Jets/Giants game) and even a Mark Sanchez framed jersey on the wall. (point scored = -1).
After being seated, the waitress did attend to our beverage needs quickly and efficiently (point scored = 0).  from the list of approximately 15 beers on tap (point scored = +1).
A nice surprise was our waitress brought us a basket of popcorn to the table.  Who doesn't love some popcorn? It reminded me Ground Round as a kid on Long Island. (point scored = +2).
The menu ( is fairly typical Sports Bar food, at fairly typical prices. They probably offer too many selections for their own good.  Often these type of establishments would better serve themselves with a bit fewer options so the kitchen can focus on quality. 
I considered many menu items.  As usual, I immediately disregard any Italian options (meatball sub, pizza, i.e.) as I am a harsh critic on Italian food.  Finally, my friend and I decide on ordering 2 sandwiches and splitting them - the Ham & Turkey on Pretzel Roll and the Meatloaf Sandwich.
The food arrived in a very reasonable amount of time (although I didn't time it, I remember being pleased when she arrived at the table).   
I was a bit shocked at the size of the sandwiches.  They were piled high with meat and, therefore, reminded me of Long Island sandwiches.  The ham was a decent cold cut and the turkey was clearly carved, not a processed cold cut.  The pretzel roll was hot and yummy.  The one suggestion I would make is to heat the ham and turkey so the temperature differential does not impact the overall taste.
The meatloaf was above par.  Each sandwich came with a handful of decent french fries and I was pleased to see that they did not give each meal a pound of fries. (point scored = +3).
Throughout the meal the manager and assistant manger came to our table to make sure all was okay.  They did manage to do so in a non-intrusive manner (pet peave of mine).  Most importantly, this convinced me that they had heard the tough reviews on the street and were making every effort to get it right.  (point scored = +4). 
All in all, it is a good place.  It is a good place for what it is.  Are you going to take someone there to impress them (1st date, client, in-laws)? No, but it is not that kind of place.  It is a place to catch up with friends, get a bite to eat, have a few drinks and/or watch the game.  And for that, they are a good option. 
The crowd is the same type of random crowd you get at Bass Lake Draft House, Salem Street Pub or My Way, with families and individuals ranging from mid 20's to 70s.
I do plan on going back on a Saturday night, as they do have live bands every Saturday at 10 PM.  I would like to see what crowd they are getting for that.  Are they pulling the "dressed up to go out" Tony's Oyster Bar crowd or the laid back Holly Springs bar patrons?  Additionally, I am extremely curious to know if they dim the lights for the nighttime bar atmosphere, because if not, you may get blinded by the bright lives when you walk in. 
This location has been many restaurants in the past 4 years and I would like to see this place succeed. So, if you are in the Apex/Holly Springs area, give it a try.  Just go in with reasonable expectations.